Our Expertise

Tailored Solutions for Modern Challenges

Comprehensive services designed to address complex issues in asset recovery, cyber intelligence, and digital forensics.
Call to ask any question +1 (626) 264 – 5164
Cyber Threat Analysis
Advanced analysis of potential cyber threats using the latest intelligence techniques to safeguard against and address security risks.
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Asset Recovery Solutions
We provide expert strategies for identifying and recovering lost/stolen crypto assets, offering tailored support for legal and law enforcement professionals.
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Global Digital Investigations
Conduct in-depth digital investigations across multiple continents to gather crucial evidence for complex cases.
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Crypto Asset Forensics
Specialized forensic services for tracking and analyzing cryptocurrency transactions, ensuring precise and actionable insights.
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Identity Fraud Response
Comprehensive investigations and recovery solutions for addressing and resolving cases of identity fraud and theft.
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Crypto Certification Training
Focused training programs to equip professionals with certification in cryptocurrency investigation and forensic analysis.
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Our Process

Streamlined Steps for Effective Investigations

AWBR Intelligence follow a meticulous and systematic approach to ensure thorough and efficient investigations. Our process is designed to deliver exceptional results by addressing each aspect of your case with precision and expertise.


Initial Consultation
We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, goals, and the scope of the investigation.


Strategy Development
We craft a tailored investigative strategy, selecting the most effective tools and methods for your unique situation.


Data Collection & Analysis
Our team gathers and analyzes data using advanced techniques and tools to uncover essential evidence and insights.


Reporting & Follow-Up
We provide a detailed report with actionable recommendations and offer ongoing support to ensure the successful resolution of your case.
Positive Feedback

What Our Clients Say

Our field experts will devise the best strategy for cyber intelligence and cryptocurrency recovery to ensure your assets are effectively tracked and secured.

Why Choose Us

Expertise You Can Trust

AWBR Intelligence combines advanced technologies with unparalleled expertise to deliver superior investigative and asset tracing solutions. Our dedicated team ensures you receive the most accurate and actionable intelligence.
  • Certified Professionals

  • Tailored Solutions

  • State-of-the-Art Tools

  • Global Reach